Janani Rangarajan, Product Marketing Manager at Uniphore, sat down with us recently to discuss her experience as an active member of Competitive Intelligence Alliance's Slack community.

“Being a member of Competitive Intelligence Alliance has given me a platform to learn, discuss with other professionals, and exchange ideas while getting answers.”

We spoke to Janani to get to the bottom of:

  • What Janani most enjoys about being a part of Competitive Intelligence Alliance.
  • Her motivations for joining the community.
  • How being a member has helped her in her career.

What were your motivations for joining the community

“I wanted to learn from the community how they approach competitive intelligence. I also wanted to learn best practices from experts who have been there and had success.

“I was also keen to participate in events and webinars to stay abreast of what's happening in the world of CI, and engage with peers who are undergoing similar CI and career challenges. In short, to network!”

How has being a member of the CIA community helped you in your career aspirations or goals?

“Being a member of Competitive Intelligence Alliance has given me a platform to learn, discuss with other professionals, and exchange ideas while getting answers to questions I have.

“From a career perspective, CIA has also helped me deepen my competitive intelligence skills. Being a member has opened up to me a community of CI professionals and improved my understanding of certain CI frameworks.

“Also, as a PMM working on CI, I get to interact with other PMMs doing CI and exchange notes as we build and evolve the CI programs in our respective organizations. It has also been very interesting to see how different organizations use and leverage competitive intelligence.”

What have you found most valuable about engaging with the community?

“For me, it has been the quality of interactions and the wealth of knowledge stored in the community. The community, and how everyone within it is eager to discuss or help, has been the most valuable part of being here.

“We have a mix of pure CI professionals and others, like me, who are PMMs straddling the intersection of CI and PMM – so our approaches to solving CI challenges are different. Exchanging notes helps me to broaden my horizon.”

Join the free community

Join Janani and almost 2,000 other competitive intelligence professionals in the Competitive Intelligence Alliance Slack community.

You’ll gain instant access to a community full of networking opportunities, chances to ask questions, a world-class collaborative environment, and access to some of CI's best and brightest minds.

Just click below to get started. 👇