CI, AI, and PMM: How convergence of roles and technology impact sales & strategy [OnDemand]


How will the emergence of AI impact your role? Discover how to leverage new technology to create a lasting impact.

Times are tough. Budgets are tight, and time is scarce for product marketers and competitive intelligence pros.

The result? Unprecedented AI adoption. And itโ€™s changing everything.

So what does the future look like for marketers and competitive intelligence practitioners? And will they be able to take advantage of technology to serve both roles?

We answer these questions and more.

Catch the replay of our live session with experts from CompeteIQ as we share the specific ways AI is changing tactics, deliverables, engagements, and careers.

Key takeaways:

๐Ÿ”Ž Learn how to monitor multiple markets, customers, competitors, trends, events and more in real time.

๐Ÿ’ป We'll examine how auto-content generation technologies help form competitive sales strategies and battle cards.

๐Ÿง  Get to grips with multi-channel approaches to deliver a successful CI program and leanr why it takes AI to achieve that.

Meet your expert host:

Edward Allison, Founder and Head of Development at CompeteIQ
Prior to his current role, Ed Allison served as the Sr. Director of the Polycom Intelligence Office, where they were responsible for identifying opportunities for business success and developing engagement programs with executives, leaders, field leaders, marketing, sales, and channel teams.